The newest addition to this great Sports Club steeped in history, is CrossFit Sidcup, opened in May 2023.
Whilst the other sports played here have far distant origins, CrossFit as a concept was founded around 1996, and officially registered in Santa Cruz, CA in 2000. CrossFit is a physical exercise regime, accessible to everyone through appropriate adjustments to movements and workouts, known as scaling, knowledgeable, qualified CrossFit coaches overseeing every class, and hugely important, a truly supportive community.
The predominant function of our gym is to get you guys fit for what life throws at you. It prepares you for the knowable AND the unknowable. As well as the positive effects it will have on your physical fitness parameters, it’s well documented that it hugely benefits the social and mental state of its participants, seen with your own eyes in our classes daily.
With all the sports on offer here, the community nature of the club, we are in the perfect spot. If you want to know more, and fancy giving it a go head to our website and take advantage of two free trials. Or pop past to look in the gym next time your up the Club!!